Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Promoting .TEL Domains

For those of us who have purchased a dotTEL (.TEL) domain, we now need to promote the merits of ownership to the general public. As with all TLD's, .TEL has its place. A TEL domain can be more than the originally-intentioned virtual business card. It can also be a vanity name holder, it can be a directory listing, it can be a portal that opens to more detailed information.

The general public is very unaware of the potential of the TEL domain. Well suited to the mobile nature of people, your TEL domain is your central storehouse of your contact information. Sell your friends on the fact that TEL is the way of future contact. That finding anyone will be much easier when they know their TEL name. No more misleading contact info, a TEL will always reflect one's up-to-date information in real-time.

Whatever the use of your TEL domain, make sure that it is developed. A stagnant domain serves no purpose. Even if you plan on selling your domain, give it some content. This benefits the TEL community at-large.

To help promote .TEL, check out the www.promoting.tel resource listings for a myriad of information. You can list your domains, you can search by category, you can explore other domains. There are various folders and directories where you can list your domain.

Promoting.tel is a self-service repository of TEL domains and TEL-related morsels of information.


About Me

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I develop .TEL websites, educational games, promote local shopping through games and create games based on the content of websites.